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  • Kaimuki Municipal Metered Parking Lot Improvements Notice Of Parking Lot Closure - GET THE DETAILS


The Department of Design & Construction would like to notify the area businesses and customers that portions of the Kaimuki Municipal Metered Parking Lot will be closed for construction of parking lot improvements and replacement of the pavement. The adjacent Kaimuki Municipal Gated Parking Lot will remain open. The Contractor for this project is Road Builders Corporation.

LOCATION: The Kaimuki Municipal Metered Parking Lot is bounded by the Koko Head, Waialae, Harding and 12th Avenues.

SCHEDULE: The work will start on Monday, January 11, 2021 February 11, 2021, and will require approximately 8 months to complete, weather permitting. The work will be constructed in three phases, with a different area of the parking lot closed for construction during a phase. Each phase will last approximately 11 weeks.

-  The Contractor’s working hours onsite will be Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

-  Those who are in close proximity to the work zone may experience increased noise levels from 
machinery during the construction activity. 

-  24 hour closure will be in effect for the area of the parking lot under construction. 

-  Areas of the parking lot not under construction will remain open to the public. 

-  24-hour parking rules will be enforced. 

QUESTIONS: Contact Road Builders Corporation at 833-5400.

Kaimuki Municipal Parking Lot #2 (metered lot)Reconstruction (re-paving) Project

FAQ’S (Frequently Asked Questions)

    1.What are the projected dates for this project? The work will start approximately (revised date) on February 1, 2021, and will require approximately 6-8 months.

    2.Will the entire parking lot be shut down? No, the contractor will be doing the work in 3 phases. Areas not be worked on will remain open.

    3.Who is the contractor? The contractor is Road Builders Corporation. Any questions, call 833-5400.

    4.I just need to run into a shop for a pick-up. Is there a grace period at the Kaimuki Municipal Parking Lot #1 (gated lot)? Yes, there is a 20 minutes grace period.

    5.Can I park on residential streets? Yes, and parking on residential streets is subject to any signage about parking.

    6.I want to get some walking exercise. What is the distance and time to walk from Petrie Park on 20th Avenue/Harding Avenue to Koko Head Avenue? That would take about 15 minutes to walk and it is a distance of .8 miles.

    7.Are there any additional parking spaces being identified? Kaimuki Business and Professional Association (KBPA) is looking into the Kaimuki Library and the Kaimuki Business Plaza as possible parking areas.

    8.Where else (parking lots) can I park? The following private parking lots are available for a fee (as posted):
  • Parking lot behind the 3660 Waialae Ave. building. The parking lot entrance is located at 1217 Wilhelmina Rise. See payment box for fee information and other rules.

  • Bank of Hawaii parking lot (during non-banking hours). The parking lot entrance is on Center Street, next to the Queens Theatre building. See payment box for fee information and other rules.

  • Franklin Variety Building park lot. The parking lot entrance is on Center Street, next to the Bank of Hawaii parking lot. See payment box for fee information and other rules.

  • Central Pacific Bank building at 3465 Waialae Ave.. The parking lot entrance is on 10th Avenue (one way street going mauka). See signage and attendant for fee and other information.

    9. Will the Kaimuki Neighborhood Board be able to hear from concerned citizens about the Kaimuki parking lot project? Yes, The Kaimuki Neighborhood Board meets on the third Wednesdays of the month, 6:30pm at the Kaimuki Christian Church. The meeting can also be viewed virtually. Website:

    (revised 01/29/21)

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