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    Event Calendar Item

  • Girl Scouts of Hawaii - Information Session

  • Type: Community
    Date: Friday - 8/16/2013
    Time: 6:30 PM
    Hokulani School Cafeteria
    2940 Kamakini St
    Honolulu, HI 96816
    Cost: FREE

Can't wait to join all the fun activities and meet new friends in Girl Scouts? We can't wait for you to join us!

This recruitment session is open to both existing and new/potential members, adults and girls. If you are an existing Girl Scout or volunteer, come check out what kinds of fun activities the Honolulu East Service Unit* (your regional service unit) will have this year and invite a friend (or two!) to learn more about becoming a volunteer or joining as a girl.

If you are not yet a volunteer or Girl Scout, you are welcome to come along to check out what we do--no sign up required. Come join us!

When: Friday, August 16, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Kilauea District Park building
Address: Hokulani School Cafeteria

2940 Kamakini St

Honolulu, HI 96816

*We have many service units all over the state. Please browse our calendar to find the area most convenient for you. If you are unable to find one, feel free to contact our Erica Becerrada, our Membership and Program administrator, at 808.675.5534 or

RECRUITMENT-Kailua, Kona, Hawai`i Island

RECRUITMENT-Kaimuki, St. Louis, University Neighborhood


Founded in 1912, Girl Scouts of the USA is the pre-eminent leadership development organization for girls in kindergarten through twelfth grades. It serves girls ages 5-17 in every zip code throughout the United States as well as those attending American or international schools overseas in 90 countries. As the country's pre-eminent all-girl organization, Girl Scouts empowers girls to realize its mission of 'building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.' Introduced to Hawaii in 1917 by Queen Liliuokalani and Florence Lowe, a Kamehameha School for Girls teacher, Girl Scouts of Hawaii has approximately 5,000 members statewide. For more information, visit or

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