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  • Diamond Head, Kapahulu, Saint Louis Neighborhood Board No. 5 Minutes Posted For LAST MEETING (JUNE 9, 2016)

With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office

Diamond Head/ Kapahulu/ St. Louis Neighborhood Board No. 5




CALL TO ORDER: Chair George West called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. A quorum was established with nine (9) members present. (Note -- This 15-member Board requires eight (8) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action.)

Members Present: Julia Allen, Barbra Armentrout, Barbra Miller, Bertha Nahoopii, Keolu Peralto, Don Persons, Ali Pohl, George Waialeale (arrived at 6:40p.m.), Jerry Wanager, George West, and Linda Wong (arrived at 6:40 p.m.).

Members Absent:Michelle Matson, Bert Narita, Laura St. Denis, and Bryn Villers.

Guests: Cliff Kaneshiro (Councilmember Ann Kobayashi's Office), Louise Pagotto and Carol Hoshiko (Kapioloani Community College), Dominic Dias (Board of Water Supply), Lieutenant Maurice Asato (Honolulu Police Department), Milton Kikuchi and Irene Banao (Department of Transportation), State Senator Sam Slom, State Representative Bertrand Kobayashi, State Representative Scott Nishimoto, House Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say, Councilmember Ann Kobayashi, Young Kim (Spocua Foundation), Mo Radke (Friends of the Natatorium), Ralph Whitaker (Unity Church), Peter Bourne (TInman), Ty Fukumitsu (Department of Transportation), Devon Nekoba and Mia Noguchi (Chapel of Anela), Franklin Chung, Daisy Murai, Carolyn Tanaka, Allison Gard, and Amy Brown (Residents), and James Skizewski (Neighborhood Commission Office).


Rules for Speaking: For all wishing to speak on items not already on the agenda, fill out a Community Concern form at the front desk and turn into the Chair or Neighborhood Assistant.

Certificate of Appointment: Chair West presented newly appointed board member Ali Pohl with her certificate of appointment to the Diamond Head Neighborhood Board No. 5.


Honolulu Fire Department (HFD - Waikiki Station): There was no representative present at this time and no report was available.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD - District 6, Waikiki/Diamond Head): Lieutenant Shearer reported the following:

• May 2016 Statistics: There were 7 robberies, 10 burglaries, 234 thefts of all kind, 23 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMV), 33 speeding citations, 651 car citations, 5 loud muffler citations, 162 citations for violation park closure hours, and 9 arrests for the month of May in District 6.

• Street Closures: Lieutenant announced that Kalakaua Avenure and Lewers Street will be closed from 4:00 p.m. till midnight on Friday, June 10, 2016 for the Ho'olaulea events. On Saturday, June 11, 2016 there will be a King Kamehameha Day Parade that will require the closing of Kalakaua Avenue from 7:00 a.m. until the parade has concluded. On Sunday, June 12, 2016 there will be a Pan Pacific Parade that will begin at Saratoga Road and go down Kalakaua Avenue and ending at Kapiolani Park.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Traffic Accidents: A resident asked about the reporting procedure regarding traffic accidents in the mornings and the way they are reported to the public, Lt. Shearer responded that since 1948 there has been an expanding amount of vehicles on the roads which has led to a rise in vehicles accidents. Reports on morning accidents are to advise other drivers what areas to allow time for people to plan alternate routes and only areas are included in the reports to help commuters plan accordingly.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD- District 7, Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights): Lieutenant Maurice Asato circulated a report and announced the following:

• May Statistics: There were 9 motor vehicle thefts, 5 burglaries, 58 thefts, 14 unauthorized entries into a motor vehicle (UEMV), and 6,267 calls for service in District 7.

• Hurricane Season Safety Tips: HPD encourages families to take the necessary steps to prepare for hurricane season with a plan, survival kit, and a way to stay informed on impending disasters. Hurricanes combine the triple threat of violent winds, torrential rains, abnormally high waves, and storm surge. Together they are capable of widespread destruction. Be aware of the issuance of Hurricane Watch and Hurricane Warnings. Hurricane Watch is issued when the threat of hurricane conditions are expected within 48 hours. Preliminary precautions should be taken. Hurricane warnings are issued when a threat of hurricane conditions are expected within 36 hours. Actions for protection of life and property should begin immediately. Evacuations are generally ordered during a Hurricane Warning. Review evacuation maps in the Disaster Preparedness section of the telephone book or visit the department web site at .

• Pedestrian Safety Tips: In the months of June, 2016, and July, 2016, HPD will be focusing on pedestrian safety and enforcing violations pertaining to pedestrian street crossings. For the month of June, 2016, officers will be giving warnings to drivers and pedestrians not following pedestrian crossing safety guidelines. In July, 2016, citations will be given for those not following the pedestrian crossing laws, no warnings will be given. Lt. Asato passed out a flyer highlighting the following:

o Stop for Pedestrians: When driving stop until the pedestrian has safely passed in front of you. When a pedestrian is approaching from the other side of the road drivers must stop until the pedestrian has safely passed. Stop behind a car that is waiting for a pedestrian, overtaking of another vehicle stopped for pedestrians at an intersection is illegal.

o Pedestrian Safety: Start crossing only when the steady walking signal is lit. Don't start crossing if the flashing hand appears and finish crossing if it appears and you are already in crosswalk. Don't walk when the steady hand is present, remain at curb, push the pedestrian button, and wait for the walk signal. Don't start crossing if the countdown appears. If in crosswalk, finish crossing within time allowed.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Bicycles: Armentrout asked and Lt. Asato responded that when officers are available bicyclists along Kapahulu Avenue will be warned and cited for not following pedestrian crossing laws. It will be at the officer's discretion to give a warning versus a citation.

L. Wong and G. Waialeale arrived at 6:40 p.m.; 11 members present.

Board of Water Supply (BWS): Dominic Dias reported the following:

• Main Break Report: Dias reported there were no main breaks for the month of May, 2016.

• Annual Water Quality Reports: The BWS works hard to ensure that water served to our customers is safe to drink. Each year, the BWS conducts thousands of tests on the water source and distribution system to ensure that municipal water meets or exceeds all federal and state safe drinking water standards. The results of those tests are shared with customers in our annual water quality report, which will be mailed to all customers by Friday, July 1, 2016. Digital copies of the water quality reports and additional water quality information is available on the website at, For any questions, please call BWS Water Quality Division at 745-5080.

• BWS Water Waste Hotline: Home water use typically rises during the summer months, so BWS would like to remind all residents to be vigilant and avoid wasting water. Tips to save water are as follows:

o Check for property leaks.

o Avoid watering laws between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

o Turn off tap while brushing teeth or shaving.

o To report a broken water pipe, a broken irrigation sprinkler, a running faucet, or any waste of water contact the BWS Water Waste Hotline at 741-5041 or and provide:

 Location of problem.

 The type of water waste.

 Any additional information that caller may have.


Tinman Triathlon and Dick Evans Memorial Race: Peter Bourne reported the following:

• Tinman Triathlon: The 36th annual Tinman Triathlon will be held on Sunday, July 24, 2016 at Kapiolani Park. The triathlon will begin at 5:45 a.m.

• Dick Evans Memorial Road Race: On Sunday, August 21, 2016 the Dick Evans Memorial Road Race will be held. It will begin and end in Hawaii Kai but Bourne did note that the race will pass through the Diamond Head area for a small portion of the race. The event will be passing through the Diamond Head area around 6:45 a.m. Bourne asks residents to plan accordingly.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Wong asked and Bourne responded that special duty police officers will be present during the events along various requested areas to help with street crossings.

Liquor Commission Hearing: Chair West provided an update regarding the Liquor Commission Hearing that will be on Thursday, July 7, 2016 to review the license application for the Chapel at Anela Gardens.

DPP Application/Hearing: Chair West reported that the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) will be holding an application hearing in regards to the planned Denny's restaurant located at 208 Kapahulu Avenue. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, July 6, 2016.

Waikiki War Memorial Complex Project: Chair West reported that there will be a series of consultation meetings in regards to the proposed Waikiki War Memorial Complex Project from the months of July through October, 2016. The Diamond Head/Kapahulu/ St. Louis Hts. No.5 Board has been designated as a stakeholder and has been invited to take part in the planned meetings. Chair West has responded stating this board would like to take part in the planned meetings. Chair West will update the board when more specifics regarding meeting dates are available.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Participation: Allen noted that she will be participating in a focus group on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 in regards to this proposed project and will unable to represent the board at the consultation meetings. Chair West responded by stating if the board members would like to represent the board at the consultation meetings, Miller and Wong volunteered to represent this board. Chair West will pass along the names of the board's representatives to the project coordinator.


Parade Information Signage: Milton Kikuchi from the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) requested the boards opinion regarding event signage and notification in Waikiki. Kikuchi noted there are message boards located across various point in the area but with no standard way to communicate Kikuchi welcomes any suggestions from the board and public.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:

1. Parks: Persons suggested for the Diamond Head area that two (2) message boards be placed on either end of Kapiolani Park such as along Monsarrat Avenue, Kalakaua Avenue, or Paki Avenue. Persons noted these message boards would help notifying the surrounding neighbors of coming events such as the marathon. Persons noted his affiliation with the marathon and the expressed need for more signage.

2. Crossings: Resident Ralph Whitaker noted his former position of chair of the Democratic Party of Waikiki and Hawaii Kai as well as presently being the President of the Board of Trustees for the Unity Church of Hawaii, Whitaker stated his support for events such as the marathon and various parades that come through the area but expressed the problem with people trying to cross streets such as Monsarrat Avenue whom end up not being able to get to church on time and even being turned away because of street closures. Whitaker noted instances where the pastor is unable attend church because of the various closed streets. Milton Kikuchi volunteered to provide contact information to Whitaker involving the upcoming events in the area. Kikuchi also welcomed any other complaints the public may have so that he may better understand the concerns of the public and how to better address them. Whitaker noted issues with people trying to leave for work but the special duty officers not allowing people to leave.

3. Car Towing: Persons noted that the night before the marathon at around 8:00 p.m. cars are being towed to clear the way for the marathon that begins at 5:30 a.m. Persons suggested that towing companies should wait till early the morning of the event around 2:00 a.m. to allow people to utilize the area the evening before. Persons noted that at 2:00 a.m. most residents have gone to sleep. Kikuchi noted the concern.

4. Street Access: Board Member Wong asked and Kikuchi responded that he was also under the impression that Ty Fukumitsu would be the presenter for the Parade Information Signage presentation. Wong expressed her disapproval of Fukumitsu's absence as she with surrounding organizations to draft letters addressed to Ty Fukumitsu providing input regarding the signage matter. Linda Wong read her drafted letter to the board stating:

"Our Diamond Head, Kapahulu, and St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board is asking for traffic mediation from the City Department of Transportation Services. This is due to heavy traffic in our area and many parades, street activities, beach activities, and Kapiolani Park activities which close down entire streets or lanes of traffic. We ask for lesser activities in our area or a Parade and Activities Law for our Diamond Head area, but in those absences we asked for traffic mediation. The Diamond Head, Kapahulu, St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board supports limited parades and the use of limited message boards to warn our community including the Diamond Head Neighborhood Watch, Gold Coast Association, and Unity Church of Hawaii of upcoming Parades."

5. Unity Church: Wong went on to read an additional letter from Reverend Dr. Jack Bomar that stated:

"Due to heavy traffic in our area and many parades, which close down Monsarrat Avenue to a single lane in our Diamond Head area, we are asking for traffic mediation from the City Department of Transportation Services. Unity Church of Hawaii supports limited parades and use of limited message boards to inform our community of upcoming parades in our area. We also ask for the Special Duty Police Officers to be given instructions to let our Church community pass across Monsarrat Avenue during parades to go to Church. This is true especially during the 8:00 a.m. services where the Reverend and staff of Unity Church of Hawaii have been prevented from crossing Monsarrat Avenue. As a result there have been challenges preparing the Church for services. Your sensitivity to this humble request is appreciated. We bless you and thank you for your service to our great community."

6. Contact Information: Persons offered to leave information with Kikuchi to help distribute information regarding upcoming parades and events.

7. Signage: Resident Allison Gard noted that she thought message board and signage would be a good idea. Gard noted she received a note in her mailbox regarding parade events and street closures and suggested that be continued for all events, but Kikuchi noted that mailbox distribution is not a requirement but did not all events are posted on the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) website. Wong suggested Kikuchi, Gard, and Persons exchange contact information to better help facilitate event notification for the area.

8. Event Information: Wong noted that on the DTS website only one of the three events are noted for the weekend of June 14-16, 2016. Persons noted that Waikiki will be partly closed on all three (3) days. Kikuchi noted that all the events are listed as they are part of the Pan-Pacific Festival and will pass along the contact information for the special duty Police that will be on duty.


Anela Gardens Liquor License Application: Resident Daisy Murai brought concerns to the board regarding the Anela Gardens Chapel. Murai noted that the surrounding property owners are not against new businesses but noted that Anela Gardens is really two (2) properties that boarders three (3) areas including Kanaina Avenue, parts of Monsarrat Avenue, the residential area in Kaunaoa Street, as well as boarders a private lane that connects Kaunaoa Street to Monsarrat Avenue. Some activities that have affected the surrounding community include the staff entrance/exit and delivery area for Anela Gardens which is on an already crowded street that provides street parking on both side of street, which further limits the amount of space drivers have, forcing motorist to alternate when passing Anela Gardens on Kanaina Street. Murai noted the increased presence of taxi and passenger vans, delivery trucks, and limousines on the surrounding residential streets. Murai asked the board to hear the community's concerns and the effects of a liquor license being given to the Anela Gardens Chapel. Murai noted the surrounding businesses already produce a high amount of foot traffic and motor traffic in the area and is concerned about the addition of the Anela Gardens patrons. Murai urged the board to look at what a liquor license would do to this property which is 22,670 square feet total. Chair West asked and Murai responded that it's irrelevant of how many people have signed her signature list of protest over the Anela Garden's acquisition of a liquor license. Chair West urged Murai to get a hard number to give the board a better understanding of how many people are in opposition of Anela Gardens acquiring a liquor license. Chair West read the letter addressed to the Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Height Neighborhood Board No. 5 asking the boards support in recommending no granting of a category No. 2 Restaurant Liquor License Application No. 16-4136. Chair asked and Murai responded that she wishes the board to take action regarding the support for her letter as the Liquor Commission License Application hearing will be on Thursday, July 7, 2016, and Murai noted her need to provide signatures before the commission preceding the hearing date.

Wong moved and Persons seconded that Diamond Head Neighborhood Board No. 5 Support Daisy Murai's letter recommending no granting of a Category No. 2 Liquor License Application No. 16-4136.

Discussion followed:

1. Category 2: Waialeale asked and Murai responded the Category 2 liquor license allows the selling of alcohol from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00p.m. daily in a residential area.

2. Anela Gardens: Anela Garden's project manager Devon Nekoba circulated a signed copy of the Anela Gardens agreement terms which outlined how the property will use the liquor license. Nekoba noted that the liquor license will not be transferred to any future owners which was a concern brought forth by the community. Nekoba reported that there will be liquor service will be from 11:00 a.m. and 8:00p.m. if parking is needed Anela Gardens will secure a parking area not in the surrounding residential area, deliveries will not block traffic, no party larger than 30 will be allowed to have reception outdoors on site, Anela Gardens has agreed to a six (6) month probationary period and will report back to liquor commission and neighborhood board, and lastly Anela Gardens will annually survey neighbors for feedback and concerns. Nekoba stated that Anela Gardens has done its due diligence in talking to the surrounding community and trying to address as many concerns as possible. A copy of the aforementioned agreement terms will be delivered to the liquor commission. Wong wanted to clarify that the guidelines mentions by Nekoba are just recommendations and are not set by the Liquor Commission. Murai noted that the history of liquor license transfers can be found online and noted that breach of liquor laws only result in fines. Miller asked Murai how many people have signed the petition and Chair West responded that Murai had already stated that the number of people who have signed is irrelevant.

Chair West stated this it has been moved and seconded that the Neighborhood Board No. 5 Support resident's letter recommending no granting of a category No. 2 Liquor License Application No. 16-4136. Peralto proceeded with a roll call vote. Chair West announced that the vote was 3-5-3 and the motion failed. (AYE: Persons, Wanager, and Wong; NAY: Allen, Armentrout, Peralto, Pohl, and Waialeale; and ABSTAIN: Miller, Naho'opi'i, and West). Murai noted that this is not the only area to have weddings and proposed St. Louis Heights as an alternative.

Reconsideration of Resolution to Restore Parking at the Natatorium -- Chair West asked Wong to read the resolution regarding the restoration of parking to the left-front side of the Natatorium as follows:



WHEREAS, Hawaii State residents and visitors have a difficult time finding parking in the Kapiʻolani Park and/or Kaimana (Sans Souci) Beach area, and therefore often unable to enjoy said park/beach, causing great hardship, especially to Hawaii's ʻohana; and

WHEREAS, State of Hawaii residents from Waianae, North Shore, Kailua, Kaneohe, Hawai'i Kai, and elsewhere are unable to bicycle, bus, or walk to Kapiʻolani Park with their children, coolers, tents, and food; and

WHEREAS, for 11 years since the parking fronting the left front side of the Waikiki Natatorium (if you are facing the ocean) was paved and briefly available for parking, but immediately closed for an infrequently-used volleyball area; and

WHEREAS, now there are four other non-permit requiring areas for volleyball including the 1) Sunset on the Beach site (intersection of Kalakaua and Kapahulu Avenue) which includes four official beach volleyball areas 2) Makai of Paki Hale (house), 3) Kapiolani Park by the Tennis Courts on Paki Avenue (by the old archery range), and 4) anywhere inside Kapi'olani Park, and

WHEREAS, over 225 people have signed a petition asking that the Natatorium parking area be opened, and

WHEREAS, this left front parking area is only opened by the City and County of Honolulu for parking during special occasions, which it may continue to do for actual special occasion parking; and therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board requests that the City reopen the parking on the left front side of the

Natatorium similar to the open parking on the right side; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board requests that the City open this parking as soon as possible, as it has been done for special events, but to leave the parking open during the same hours as the right side, while allowing the City and County of Honolulu to reserve it for special events; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board supports maintaining free public parking in this area similar to the right side of the Natatorium parking area; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that this Resolution be delivered to the Mayor and the City Council of the City and County of Honolulu, the Director of the Department of Parks, the Director of the Department of Design & Construction, the Director of the Department of Transportation Services, Director of Budget and Financial Services, and the Honolulu Police Department."

Persons moved and Allen seconded a motion to reconsider the vote on the resolution regarding the restoration of Parking at the Natatorium. Discussion followed:

1. Support: Wong noted that over 600 people are in support of this resolution and urged the board to vote in representation of the people and not themselves.

2. Opposition: Mo Radke President of the Friends of the Natatorium noted that he was not in attendance to tell the board what to do, how to vote, or how to serve the community but Radke wanted to recognize that anyone may author a resolution before the board. Radke stated his presence was in opposition of the aforementioned resolution and wanted to highlight a few discrepancies regarding the resolution itself. Regarding the first whereas, Radke noted that a lack of parking is not a hardship and that people who park have to either wait for a spot or get lucky finding an open stall. Regarding the second whereas, Radke noted that people may choose to utilize other forms of transportation such as the city bus, ride bikes, or walk. Radke went on to note that the left-front area of the Natatorium was never intended for parking rather a reflecting pool or volleyball area. Radke noted that he is only aware of 225 people signing the petition regarding the reopening of the left-front area for parking and questioned the aforementioned 600 people being in support of the resolution in question. Radke noted that a petition regarding the "re-opening" of the parking area is inaccurate and false as it was never deemed as a parking lot. Radke understands that the area could be used for parking, but this Natatorium was opened as a memorial of service and sacrifice which has connections to many families around the world. Radke noted the family of World War II veteran Sam Kainoa whose family still frequents the Natatorium. Chair West asked and Radke responded that the Friends of the Natatorium are in opposition of this resolution and its false definition of the need to re-open a parking area that was never opened as such. Armentrout asked and Chair West responded that Radke is the President of the Friends of the Natatorium.

3. Support: A resident thanked the members who voted in support of the resolution and noted her understanding of positions regarding the resolution.

Peralto proceeded with a roll call vote. Chair West announced that the vote was 7-3-1 and the motion failed. (AYE: Allen, Miller, Naho'opi'I, Persons, Pohl, Wanager, and Wong; NAY: Armentrout, Peralto, and Waialeale); and ABSTAIN: West.)

Table Replacement: Chair West noted receiving notice regarding the need for a table to replace in Kapiolani park.

Kapiolani Community College (KCC): Carole Hoshiko circulated a handout and reported the following:

• Interim Chancellor: Hoshiko introduced new interim Chancellor for KCC, Louise Pagotto. Pagotto thanked the board and community for allowing her time to speak to the public. Pagotto noted her previous involvement with the board.

• Capital Improvement Projects Updates: Hoshiko highlighted the following projects:

o Culinary Institute: The structural steel and framing is 90% complete, roof is 75% complete, rock veneer on retaining wall is 40% complete, utility duct line 90% complete, water lines pressure has been tested and chlorination is pending, sewer lines complete, gas and water chiller between buildings still in progress, accessible ramp walls complete, and rough grade of west are of site complete. For the locker and storage building the structural steel in progress. Hoshiko noted that pending permits have delayed building.

o Upcoming: Upcoming projects are the final paving of Diamond Head Road and the outdoor cooking area evacuation. To contact Hosiko email

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Dust: Persons asked and Hoshiko responded that the dust is being controled with a regular basis of waters and covering dust piles with tarps. Hosiko reported there was a neighborhood walk to help mitigate issues. Chair West noted he walked the construction area and noted there was no dust issues.

World Peace and Unity of Korea 10K Road Race: Young Kim reported to the board a World Peace and Unity of Korea 10K race. The race will be held on Saturday, October 8, 2016 and will begin at Ala Moana Beach Park and go down Kalakaua Boulevard around Kapiolani Park and back to Ala Moana Beach Park. People from all over the world are invited. The race is being held by the Sports Culture Academy Foundation. Chair West asked and Kim confirmed that the race has been permitted.


Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative: Walea Constantinau was not present at this time.

Councilmember Ann Kobayashi: Councilmember Kobayashi distributed a newsletter and Councilmember Kobayashi highlighted the following:

• City Budget: The final budget was passed on Wednesday, June 1, 2016. Councilmember Kobayashi reported highlights as follows:

o Homelessness: Twenty million dollars has been appropriated to address homelessness in Honolulu. Councilmember noted complaints regarding homelessness at the intersection of Date Street and Kapahulu Avenue.

o Honolulu Zoo: Monies collected from the zoo will go into a Honolulu Zoo fund per Bill 30, CD2 (2016). The fund will go to the operation, administration and upkeep for the zoo.

o Street Repair: Over a hundred million dollars have been appropriated for street repair. There will be no increase in taxes for this year.

• Pedestrian Safety: Councilmember Kobayashi explained the need to do more to address pedestrian safety noting the lack of lighting at various crosswalks.

• Valentine Family: Councilmember Kobayashi noted the need to work with Carol Hoshiko on a project to recognize the Valentine family that was essential to the founding of the Kapahulu region.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:

1. Rail: Armentrout asked and Councilmember Kobayashi responded that after reading the new article in regards to the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART), the results have reflected Senator Slom views of a need to watch the money in regards to rail. Councilmember Kobayashi noted the instance where the Council was given figures of total costs ranging in the $6.8 billion range and a week later were given separate figures outlining a total cost of $8 billion. Armentrout noted her presence at the meeting mentioning Colleen Hanabusa's outrage and Councilmember Kobayashi noted the city councils decision to put a cap at $6.8 billion. Chair West noted his displeasure with a newspaper article regarding the Nimitz Highway alternative will extend the project further and Councilmember Kobayashi noted the various utility issues with changing route to Nimitz Highway and added that the City Council will not raise taxes to fund the rail. Armentrout noted the proposed alternative of the rail being ground level and her concerns regarding that option.

2. Zoo Proposed Parking Lot: Wong asked and Councilmember Kobayashi responded that all funds coming from the purposed parking structures will go back to the zoo. Wong asked and Councilmember Kobayashi responded that the money appropriated is for the planning of a zoo parking structure in the area of the zoo passed. Armentrout asked and Councilmember Kobayashi responded that all the monies appropriated will go to the zoo parking lot plan and before any funds are used an update will be brought before the No. 5 Diamond Head Neighborhood Board No. 5.

Councilmember Trevor Ozawa -- No representative present a newsletter was circulated.

Governor David Ige's Representative: Chair West noted that Governor David Ige's representative is out of town but the monthly newsletter was circulated.

Senator Les Ihara, Jr.: Chair West reported that Senator Ihara is out of town.

Senator Sam Slom -- Senator Sam Slom distributed the newsletter and reported the following:

• Budget: Senator Slom thanked Councilmember Kobayashi for her efforts on the city budget.

• Filing Deadline: Senator Slom noted that Tuesday, June 7, 2016 was the deadline for filling to run for public office. Senator Slom noted his displeasure as half of the State House of Representative seats are going on without competition

• Ala Wai Canal Restriction Dates: Senator Slom reported that there will be restriction on the Ala Wai Canal usage during the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) congress from Thursday, September 1, 2016, until Sunday, September 10, 2016. Senator Slom noted that tax payers are contributing four (4) million dollars for this environmental convention.

• Special Session: Senator Slom noted the State Senate will convene a special session to confirm newly nominated judges. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 and the Senate will be in session on Thursday and Friday, June 23 and 24, 2016.

• Governors Bill Signing: Senator Slom reported that as of Wednesday, June 8, 2016, Governor Ige has only signed 62 bills into law and has 200 additional bills to sign. Senator Slom urged the public to write the governor in support of favored legislation. Senator Slom noted that the Governor has until mid-July to determine whether he will sign or not sign any bills.

House Speaker Emeritus (HSE) Calvin Say -- House Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say distributed his newsletter and offered to accept questions or comments: None were given.

Representative Bert Kobayashi -- Representative Kobayashi distributed a report and reported the following: Veto: Representative Kobayashi reported the Governor has until Monday, June 27, 2016, to indicate whether he is considering to veto any legislation. Then the Governor will have ten additional days to execute the veto. Representative Kobayashi urged the public to provide input regarding favored legislation before or during Monday, June 7, 2016 and in the following ten days that the Governor has to execute veto.

Representative Scott Nishimoto -- Representative Nishimoto circulated a newsletter and welcomed any questions or concerns the board or public may have: None followed.


Waikiki Beach Special Improvement Association: Wong noted she attended two (2) meetings for the Waikiki Beach Special Improvement Association. First on Tuesday, April 19, 2016, at the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani. Wong noted that the tree at Hale Kulani was causing a blockage of access to the beach. Wong continued stating the Waikiki Beach Special Improvement Association will be doing projects to address problem areas along Waikiki beach. Wong reported that Waikiki Beach Special Improvement Association has also released a series of guidelines in regards to concession stands near beaches. Wong will report back when an update is available. The Waikiki Beach Special Improvement Association has also renewed a Sea Grant with the University of Hawaii at Manoa for 2016-2017.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:

1. Kapahulu Beach Area: Armentrout asked and Wong responded that the Waikiki Beach Special Improvement Association will eventually get down to the beaches in the Diamond Head area.

2. Meetings: Resident Franklin Chung asked and Wong responded that she is a part of the Waikiki Beach Special Improvement Association board and not the Waikiki Improvements board. Chair West encouraged them to exchange information to better coordinate meeting times and locations.

3. Beach: Wong noted that Alexander and Baldwin Inc. own much of the beach between the Moana Surfrider Hotel and the Royal Hawaiian Hotel.

Armentrout departed the meeting at 7:48 p.m. 10 members were present.


Approval of May 12, 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes -- Peralto moved and Miller seconded that the May 12, 2016 be approved as circulated. The motion was ADOPTED unanimously, 10-0-0 (AYE: Allen, Miller, Naho'opi'I, Peralto, Persons, Pohl, Wanager, Waialeale, West, and Wong; NAY: None and ABSTAIN: None.)

Illegal Dumping: Chair West highlighted that there was legislation passed that increased fines for illegal dumping but the law breakers must be caught in order to be fined.


Sub-District 3: Wong reported that Waikiki Elementary School has a multi-purpose room that is being used for teaching.


Board Representation: Chair West explained the board must exercise caution when speaking to the media and representing this board. Chair West explained that in the Thursday, June 9, 2016, morning's newspaper two (2) board members were quoted, one (1) instance a member recognized herself as a resident and another member noted their affiliation with the board. Chair West requested that board members refrain from speaking in association with the No. 5 Diamond Head Neighborhood Board unless the board takes a specific stance regarding a matter. Wong explained that she was careful when interviewed and requested of the interviewer not reference her association with the board, Wong additionally noted her lack of control in regards to what gets written in the newspaper. Chair West asked and Wong responded that she did not recognize herself as the vice-chair of this neighborhood board. Chair West asked all members to make it known when speaking in interviews that you are a community representative and not speaking for this neighborhood board.

ADJOURNMENT -- As there was no further business before the Board, Chair West adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m.

Submitted by:

James Skizewski, Neighborhood Assistant

Reviewed by:

¬Neil Baarde, Neighborhood Assistant Supervisor

Finalized by:

George West, Chair

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    View our directory of feature pages showcasing all the great things Kaimuki, Honolulu, Hawaii has to offer. Go Green in Kaimuki, restaurants, shopping, WiFi Hot Spots, fitness, health, real estate, home and garden, 80+ more directories... More...

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