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  • Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board Meeting September 2018 Minutes

With Permission / Courtesy of: City and County of Honolulu Neighborhood Commission Office

CALL TO ORDER: Chair George West called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. A quorum was established with 11 members present. (Note - This 15-member Board requires eight (8) members to establish quorum and to take official Board action).

Members Present: Julia Allen, Ajay Bhatt (arrived at 7:00 p.m.), Richard Figliuzzi, Mark Kamahele (arrived at 6:45 p.m.), Michelle Matson, Barbara Miller, Bert Narita, Don Persons, Laura St. Denis, Winston Welch, Jerry Wanager, George West, and Linda Wong.

Member Absent: Judith Bowman, Leonora Cuban.

Guests: Walea Constantinau (Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative); State House Speaker Emeritus Calvin Say; State Representative Bertrand Kobayashi; Councilmember Anne Kobayashi and Cliff Kaneshiro (Office of Councilmember Anne Kobayashi); Kenny Amazaki (Office of Councilmember Trevor Ozawa); Kevan Wong (Office of Representative Scott Nishimoto); Sergeant Christensen and Lieutenant Christopher Lowell (Honolulu Police Department); Bryan Kimura (Hawaii Department of Transportation); Chris Sayers (Department of Transportation Services); Dominic Diaz (Board of Water Supply);Carol Hoshiko (Kapiolani Community College); Daniel Alexander (Hawaii Bicycling League); Scott Ballantyne, Carolyn Watanabe, Lily Ochoco, Ann Okubo, Carolyn Tanaka, Wayne Swan, Barbara Armentrout, Mary Jones, Tommy Waters, Dave Arakawa, Angelina Dias, Jackson Dias, Natalie Iwasa, Arleen Velasco (Residents); and Thomas Baldwin (Neighborhood Assistant).

Announcements: Chair West commented that anyone wishing to speak on items not already on the agenda should fill out a Community Concern form at the front table and turn it into the Chair or Neighborhood Assistant.


Honolulu Fire Department (HFD - Waikiki Station): HFD Captain Bryan Felix reported the following:
• August 2018 Statistics: There were 3 structure fires, 6 nuisance fires, 1 cooking fire, 7 activated alarms, 138 medical calls, 1 motor vehicle collision, 2 ocean rescues, 2 hazardous materials incidents.
• Safety Tip: HIKE SAFE - The HFD encourages hikers to follow the HIKE SAFE acronym to recall hiking safety tips:
o H - Hike with a group and have a plan. Everyone should have a cell phone, water, and flashlight. Establish a meeting point if members become separated.
o I - Inform someone of where you are going and when you plan to return.
o K - Keep a cell phone, flashlight, and whistle with you on every hike.
o E - Eat well, stay hydrated, and carry water. Two (2) liters of water per person per day is recommended.
o S - Stay on the trail, abide by all posted signs and do not enter closed or dangerous areas.
o A - Ask for help early, do not delay.
o F - Familiarize yourself with the area, use maps, and consult government-sponsored websites.
o E - Expect changes in weather and terrain and bring appropriate clothing.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD) - District 6 Waikiki/ Diamond Head): Sergeant Christensen reported the following: August 2018 Statistics: There were 8 robberies, 16 burglaries, 236 thefts, 25 unauthorized entry into motor vehicles (UEMV), 39 assaults, 3 sex crimes, 7 bicycle citations, 11 skateboard citations, 2 speeding citations, 664 parking citations, 8 loud muffler citations, 132 park closure warnings, 112 park closure citations, 26 park closure arrests, and 4,307 total calls for service.

Honolulu Police Department (HPD - District 7 Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights): Lieutenant Lowell reported the following:
• August 2018 Statistics: There were 4 motor vehicle thefts, 15 burglaries, 17 thefts, 22 UEMV, and 6388 total calls for service.

• Safety Tip: Driving in the Rain:
o Exercise Extreme caution after a long dry spell: During a dry period, engine oil and grease build up on the road over time. When mixed with water from a new rainfall, the road becomes extremely slick. Continued rainfall will eventually wash away the oil, but the first few hours can be the most dangerous.
o Allow for more travel time: You should plan to drive at a slower pace than normal when the roads are wet. Keep in mind that traffic is likely to be moving slower as well. There is also the possibility that your preplanned route may be flooded or jammed. Whatever the case, rushing equals the higher risk.
o Brake earlier and with less force than you would normally: Not only does this increase the stopping distance between you and the car in front of you, it also lets the driver behind you know that you are slowing down. Also, be more meticulous about using turn signals, so that other drivers know your intentions, and take turns and curves with less speed than you would in dry conditions.
o Other Resources: Further tips were provided in writing.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Hammock Blocking Beach Access: Matson expressed concerns that a homeless hammock has blocked the beach right-of-way between the properties of 3019 Kalakaua Avenue and 3015 Kalakaua Avenue for 10 days.
2. Encampments: Matson expressed concerns with homeless encampments at Leahi Park and Diamond Head Park.
3. Awareness: Matson asked if HPD was aware of the latter two (2) concerns that generated concern among the community. Lieutenant Lowell responded that they do receive much of this information from various sources on a daily basis. Once received, the issues are sent out for assignment to appropriate officers and supervisors. Lieutenant Lowell reported that HPD is pursuing projects to help with the homeless situation. Matson commented that the beach access was of immediate concern and requested investigation service from HPD.
4. Sidewalks: Welch expressed concerns with scooters, skateboards, bicycles, and similar forms of transportation, on the sidewalks of Kapahulu Avenue. Lieutenant Lowell responded that those forms of transportation are not allowed in business districts, but was not sure if Kapahulu Avenue fell within a business district. Welch asked and Lieutenant Lowell responded that these types of transportaiton must use the street if they are traveling through a business district. Resident Barbara Armentrout commented that the signs along Kapahulu Avenue clearly ban the use of similar transportation methods on the sidewalks.
Board of Water Supply: Dominic Diaz of the BWS reported the following:
??? Main Breaks: On August 25, 2018, there was one (1) 12 inch main break at 3508 Campbell Avenue.
• New Rate Schedule Approved: At its most recent meeting in August, the BWS Board of Directors approved water rate increases for the next five (5) years as well as several significant changes to their rate structure. The gradual increases to the water rates will start July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2023. Several public meetings and presentations were held across the island, and information was shared with all customers and neighborhood boards.
• Water Emergency Preparedness: Natural disasters, power outages, or other unexpected events can affect the BWS's ability to provide water service to the community. With recent storm activity in the Pacific, as well as September marking the observance of National Preparedness Month, this serves as an important reminder to have an emergency preparedness kit available for your household. One crucial component of a preparedness kit is a safe drinking water supply. Residents should store at least one (1) gallon of water per person per day for at least fourteen days. Also, in the event of an emergency, it is very important to stay tuned to media reports to receive water information bulletins and take any appropriate actions announced by the BWS or other emergency response agencies.
Kamahele arrived at 6:45 p.m. with 12 members present.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Red Hill: Matson expressed concerns with the ongoing situation with the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Tanks and the lack of effective response from the Navy. Matson expressed support for the BWS position on the issue, and encouraged all departments to take a more aggressive posture regarding the issue for public health. Diaz commented that the BWS will continue to support the double-lined tank option, which is the most stringent of the proposals for the tank. Matson commented that, considering the lack of interest by the Navy in the double-lined solution, the Diamond Head/ Kapahulu/ St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 ought to express support in closing down the Red Hill tanks, as they are no longer needed.

Mayor Kirk Caldwell's Representative: Walea Constantinau reported the following: Primary Urban Center Development Plan (PUC): Constantinau reported that discussion has begun regarding updates to the PUC, with the Diamond Head/ Kapahulu/ St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 area included in the changes. More information can be found at
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Orange Fencing: Welch expressed concerns with the history of issues with the orange fencing in areas of the Ala Wai Golf Course. He expressed his concerns that a 20 foot fence will be replacing it, which does not address the issues brought up at the Neighborhood Board meetings for three (3) years. Welch expressed his with the lack of communication and effective input between the administration, the board, and community. Constantinau responded that when the issue was brought up a few months before, there was an understanding at the time that a 12 foot fence would be installed for the golf balls according to the golf administrator. Constantinau responded that some individuals were trying to live off nearby water sources, and the fence may be meant as a deterrent. Welch responded that he is concerned that measures meant to deter certain behavior of the homeless is not effective at solving the homeless issue and hurts residents in the process.
2. Volleyball Court: St. Denis expressed concerns with the volleyball court proposal discussed by Councilmembers at the previous meeting. Constantinau responded that she was not familiar with the concern and would follow-up. Matson commented that the golf course land, which has been designated by the state for that use, being used for another purpose is controversial.
3. Ala Wai Golf Course: Matson expressed concerns with the state of the area surrounding the golf course along Kapahulu Avenue, emphasizing the negative aesthetic impact to the community. She requested an increase in beautification efforts to bring pride back to the community.
4. Vehicle Storage: Matson expressed concerns with the movement of Division of Urban Forestry vehicles to Ala Wai Golf Course land for storage. She added that the storage of these vehicles on the open space violates the provisions provided by its status as preservation land.
Governor David Ige's Representative: No representative was present; no report was given.


Issues at Wauke and Collins: Burglaries and Illegally Parked Company Vehicles: Resident Scott Ballantyne expressed his concerns with an uptick in burglaries in the community around Wauke and Collins. He reported that three (3) or four (4) burglaries occurred in the community over the last month. He expressed his concerns with the lack of police presence in the area. He commented that the burglars work in teams, with one (1) burglar parking down by the the nearby gas station, while the other burglarizes a nearby residence. Resident Ballantyne requested neighborhood watch signs be placed in the community as well as a police-community contact be created. Resident Ballantyne added that two (2) tour companies, "Blue Water Tours" and "Snorkel adventures", illegally park their tour vans for days at a time next to stop signs in the community, dangerously cutting visibility for drivers.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Resident Concerns: St. Denis commented that other residents have supported recent theft activity in the area. Matson encouraged resident Carolyn Tanaka to share her experiences with criminal behavior in the same neighborhood.
2. Tour Vehicles: Wong commented that other company vans are adopting similar parking methods around Pualei Circle.
3. Resident Concerns (continued): Resident Carolyn Tanaka described incidents of suspicious behavior, burglaries, and unrelated issues with homeless in the neighborhood.
4. HPD Community Specialist: Wong requested a Police Community Specialist be established to build a relationship with a community.
Bhatt arrived at 7:00 p.m. with 13 members present.

Kainana/ Monsarrat, Waikiki School Traffic Safety Committee - Resident Mary Jones reported the following:
• Leahi Avenue: Resident Jones reported that the purpose of the group is to improve the safety of Leahi Avenue, between Monsarrat and Noella Drive. She commented that part of the road is private land, which makes it difficult to create safety improvements.
• Update: Resident Jones reported that they are still awaiting for a response from the City and County of Honolulu's Corporation Counsel (COR) who is trying to provide an opinion on several issues related to Leahi Avenue. These issues include how to transfer ownership of the road to the City and County of Honolulu, clarifying the responsibility of owners to maintain their shoulder areas, and to conduct a design review to reduce the speed limit. They hope to be able to relay the reply at the next meeting of the Neighborhood Board.\
• Safe Routes to School: Resident Jones reported that a Safe Routes to School infrastructure assessment was conducted at the intersection of Leahi Avenue and Monsarrat. School crossing ahead pavement markings on Monsarrat Avenue will be installed in both directions. Work will not be done on the Makai side of Leahi Avenue due to the jurisdiction issues.
• Traffic Assessment: Resident Jones reported that a traffic assessment was conducted at the Kanaina, Diamond Head Circle, Monsarrat five (5) way stop. In-road pedestrian crossing signs will be installed in front of the crosswalks in both directions. All of the crossing signs will be updated to school crossing signs. It was determined that there was a need for a marked crosswalk fronting Kanaina Avenue and Diamond Head Circle. An Americans with Disabilitys Act (ADA) study will be conducted to determine the ramps at the affected curbs.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Marked Crosswalk: Wong asked and Resident Jones clarified that a marked crosswalk will be installed at Kanaina Avenue and Diamond Head Circle.
2. Scope of the Study: Welch expressed his appreciation for the group's progress in addressing safety issues in the area. Welch asked if they have discussed removing some parking at a nearby intersection, due to visibility issues. Resident Jones responded that they did not request an in-depth review of certain locations, which might have picked up that concerns. She added that the general study of the area was conducted over the course of eight (8) months. She added that the new signs will increase safety.
3. Matson expressed concerns with lines of vehicles blocking Leahi Avenue during school pick-up hours. She recommended that the street could be converted to a pedestrian street as seen in Downtown Honolulu. She added that this will not conflict with the provisions of the Kapiolani Park Trust and will eliminate conflicts created by vehicles trying to get through.

Date Street Crosswalk - Anne Egleston: No representative was present; no report was given.

Lukepane Street Trash - Karla Meek: No representative was present; no report was given.

Park Closure Notice - Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP), Crane Park: Chair West reported that Mayor Kirk Caldwell distributed a park closure notice for Crane Park, among other Parks. Wong reported that Crane Park will be closed for a period of two (2) months. Wong asked and Chair West clarified that DPP will not be attending this meeting. Wong added that the park will be closed for maintenance, adding that orange fencing has been placed around the park. She commented that there are between 20 to 30 homeless individuals just outside the park on the sidewalk.

International Walk to School Day: Resident Natalie Iwasa announced International Walk to School Day on Wednesday, October 10, 2018. Resident Iwasa encouraged residents to find more information at The National Partnership for Safe Routes to School.

Campaign Announcement: Resident Tommy Waters announced that he is running for the seat of City Council District 4.

Neighborhood Commission: Resident Tommy Waters announced that the City Council will have a hearing on Tuesday, September 18, 2018 to evaluate the Neighborhood Commission.


Councilmember Anne Kobayashi: Cliff Kaneshiro of Councilmember Kobayashi's Office distributed a newsletter, summarized its contents, and reported the following:
• Kaneshiro announced a Recycling Event on Saturday, September 22, 2018 at Waikiki High School from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
• Kaneshiro provided Park Closure information, commenting that the park reopening date is Monday, November 5, 2018.
• Malama .. .Group is involved with the renovations of Ala Moana Beach Park.
• Anne Egleston crosswalk on date street at three (3) streets. DTS representative said that the city would repave and reinstall. A riser was submitted asking for a timeline of when the crosswalks when will be repaved. Chair West requested the information be forwarded to him or the Neighborhood Assistant.
• Kaneshiro sent information to Welch regarding x project. Kaneshiro emailed him the plans for the project at Ala Wai Golf Course. Information was also acquired related to the replacement of the orange fencing. Chair West requested that Welch look through the information and summarize the contents to the Board.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Park Closure: Wong requested a report from those departments delivering services to Crane Park. Kaneshiro responded that he would submit a riser for the request.
2. Welch requested Kaneshiro distribute the information related to the fencing to the rest of the Board. He expressed his concerns with the relative lack of transparency and community engagement for the project.
3. Park Closure (continued): Welch commented that the parks are only being shut down because the CItry is not making meaningful change for the homeless. Welch commented that the orange fencing is also related to the inability to handle the homeless. Resident Iwasa expressed concerns with the Park Closure, as many community organizations have independently taken up park clean-up projects recently. She concluded that those efforts are going to waste, without much response from the City when faced with community questions. Wong asked and Resident Iwasa responded that the homeless did not interfere with their clean-up project.

Senator Stanley Chang: No representative was present; a newsletter was distributed.

Senator Les Ihara: No representative was present; no report was given.

Councilmember Trevor Ozawa: Kenny Amazaki of Councilmember Ozawa's Office distributed a newsletter, summarized its contents, and reported the following:
• Department of Education: Amazaki reported that the Hawaii DOE Office of Facilities and Support Services put out an RFI for a list of seven (7) sites.
• Sewer Construction Project: Amazaki reported that there will be a public information meeting at Jefferson Elementary School Cafeteria to discuss the Ulumiu Avenue Sewer Construction project.
• HECO: Amazaki reported that HECO crews will be working at Diamond Head beginning on September 17, 2018 to finish upgrades of electrical infrastructure. Outages will be required between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from September 17, 2018 to September 21, 2018.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. HH Construction: Matson commented that the request for investigations and services report regards a lot that has been under construction by HH constructions in the Diamond Head area. She reported that HH Constructions blocked the sewer easement with tree limbs and construction debris. She added that they left huge piles of slaughtered trees in the lot, creating a rat infestation. Matson requested an investigation to uncover why the DPP has allowed this to continue as it has.
2. Leahi Avenue: St. Denis commented that they have tried to get Leahi Avenue acquired by the City and County of Honolulu, adding that the Lunalilo Trust did not want the road in the trust. St. Denis asked for an update, and Amazaki responded that they have been in contact with the Trust regarding the concern. He reported that their office will get more answers from CORP Council soon, which will help in created a solution. Matson commented that, while they expect them to support public safety along Leahi, they also expect Councilmembers to fulfill their positions as Kapiolani Park Trustees in how they handle the jurisdiction and protections of the Trust owned portion of Leahi Avenue.
Representative Bertrand Kobayashi: Representative Kobayashi distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Homeless Sweep: Representative Kobayashi reported that there is a homeless sweep targeting Diamond Head between the State and the City in October 2018 according to the State Homeless Coordinator's Office.
• Hurricane Season: Representative Kobayashi reminded the Board that hurricane season extends to the end of November 2018.
??? Oahu Correctional Facility (OCC): Representative Kobayashi reported that Governor Ige confirmed that the Animal Quarantine Station site in Halawa will be the home of the new OCC.
• Constitutional Amendment: Representative Kobayashi reported that a proposed Constitutional Amendment regarding a surcharge on real property taxes to fund public education will be on the ballot in November 2018.
• Contractor Fraud: Representative Kobayashi provided information on construction fraud, referencing the distributed newsletter for more details.
Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Trolleys: Matson referenced the trolley noise concerns that were raised at the previous meetings, comparing them to the moped noise impacts. Matson inquired about a legislative solution and Representative Kobayashi responded that he one (1) complainant has contacted their office regarding this concern for two (2) years. He added that the complainant has not made specific law proposals, except to change the routing of tourist buses. He commented that part of the problem is that the noise ordinances of the State DOH do not cover moving noise. He added that the noise ordinances for fixed locations were to be applied to the buses, there would still be no violation, because the ordinance requires a certain decibel limit over a 15 minute period.

Representative Scott Nishimoto: Kevan Wong of Representative Scott Nishimoto's Office distributed a newsletter and reported the following: Community Clean Up: Wong announced the Community Clean Up on September 22, 2018 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Kaimuki Highschool. He added that it is mainly for e-waste.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Location: Chair West asked and Wong clarified the meeting location per the address on the flyer.

House Speaker Emiterus (HSE) Calvin Say: HSE Say distributed a newsletter and reported the following:
• Tax Credits: HSE Say reported that all property owners who have a combined gross income that does not exceed $60,000 and do now own any other properties may qualify for a real property tax credit. They will be required to apply for the tax credit and submit it for review to the Department of Budget and Fiscal Services Division of Treasury. Upon approval, a qualifying property owner would only be required to pay a maximum of 3% of total gross income. The Applications for the July 1, 2019 through June 20, 2020 Tax Year are due Monday, October 1, 2018.
??? Recycling/Community Clean Up (continued): HSE Say announced the Recycling Event at Kaimuki Highschool on September 22, 2018.
• Disaster Preparedness Survey: The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (HIEMA) is asking residents to participate in a Disaster Preparedness Survey to allow for community voices to be heard.
• Rain Barrel Water Catchment: HSE Say reported that residents can apply for the rain barrel water catchment rebate program.
• St. Louis Heights Community Meeting: HSE Say announced a community meeting in St. Louis Heights on September 17, 2018 at Hokalani School at 6:00 p.m. in regards to homelessness.

Ala Wai Bridge: Complete Street Planner Nicola Szibbo of the Department of Transportation Services (DTS) gave a presentation and reported the following:
• Alternative Analysis Study: Szibbo announced the Ala Wai Pedestrian Bridge Alternative Analysis Study, which considers various alternatives for access across the Ala Wai Canal, including a pedestrian/bike bridge. The primary purpose is to assess the feasibility of providing additional access in this area for pedestrians and bikes only, with possible space for emergency vehicles.
• Upcoming Meetings: Szibbo announced upcoming meetings intended to inform the community of the study and to take initial feedback on the alternatives. Multiple scenarios will be considered, including the following: (1) a no-build/status quo scenario, (2) improvements to existing structures/bridges, (3) and a new bridge alignment. The meetings will be at the Ala Wai Elementary School Cafeteria on September 22, 2018, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and September 24, 2018, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
• Funding: Szibbo reported that the project is 80% federally funded through construction.
• Alternative Analysis Study (continued): Szibbo reported that the study furthers the goals of the Complete Streets program to create a comprehensive network of streets that facilitate multimodal transportation.
• Community Engagement: Szibbo commented that community engagement is important to ensure that context sensitive recommendations are developed that reflect the needs and character of the community.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Options: Welch asked and Szibbo responded that the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) funding requires that the bridge be purposed for pedestrians and bicycles only.
2. Ala Wai Canal Concerns: Matson commented that the Ala Wai Canal is a registered historic site with significant view planes. She expressed concerns that a new bridge could compromise those protected elements of the canal. She added that members of the McCully/ Mo'ili'ili community have expressed concerns about incursion from Waikiki.
3. Plans: Matson asked if the planners of the project are aware of the historic site requirements. She commented that there are now a total of five (5) bridges proposed by the present DTS director, who previously served as a consultant for the Waikiki Circulator Plan. She added that two (2) of the proposed bridges are touching Kapiolani Park Trust Land: one (1) across from Monsarrat and the other is across Kapahulu Avenue. She asked if the present DTS Director will propose a bridge to Top Golf, expressing concerns with private business interests influencing public infrastructure decisions. Szibbo responded that DTS is aware of the design guidelines of the special district as well as the historic site. She encouraged Matson to come to the meetings, adding that they have planned a full environmental review process. Szibbo declined to comment on the director's personal plans, but commented that there are two (2) extensions under consideration: one (1) extension will go across University Avenue and the other will be towards the golf course.
4. Bridge Details: Bhatt asked if there is a potential for having a bridge in the middle of the Ala Wai Canal over to McCully and Szibbo responded that they are considering all possible alternatives for a connection across the Ala Wai Canal. Bhatt expressed his support or another connection, and asked if there have been similar proposals to this one (1) in the past. He expressed his concerns with the bridge becoming a gathering place for homeless individuals. Szibbo responded that the idea for this project has been around before, with previous connections being proposed in the 1950s. She added that the idea of a pedestrian bicycle bridge has been around for 20 years. Szibbo added that there are design principles to make sites like a bridge less conducive to loitering. Figliuzzi asked if there was a funding deadline and Szibbo responded that there are periodic deadlines and that the team is up to the challenge. Matson commented asked where the two (2) extension might be planned and Szibbo responded that they are planned by Seaside. Matson asked and Szibbo responded that there are no plans by Top Golf at this time. Wong expressed concerns with the lack of a thorough presentation to the Board from DTS. Chair West commented that the project is large enough to necessitate two (2) independent meetings that could bring in a larger constituency than the Neighborhood Board. Wong asked and Szibbo responded that there will be exercises at the community meetings to assess the different bridge sizes. Wong asked and Szibbo responded that the proposed bridge widths are as follows: 20 feet, 16 feet, 12 feet, and possibly 10 feet. Wong asked and Szibbo responded that, following conversations with emergency services personnel, a new connection could benefit them in terms of emergency response. She added that if the community wanted a bridge that could facilitate an emergency response vehicle, the options would be 16 feet and 20 feet; she commented that a bridge between 10 and 12 feet wide would not facilitate emergency response vehicles, but is available to the community. Wong commented that some options would allow for a car, and Szibbo responded that it there are options for bridges wide enough for a vehicle to use them, adding that this decision will be based on community input. Resident Barbara Armentrout commented that, according to a City Council committee meeting one (1) week prior, the bridge is intended for use by pedestrians, bicyclists, and emergency vehicles. She commented that a bridge for emergency vehicles would require more materials to be structurally sound.
Proposed Zoning Change: Dennis Silva of Hawaii Planning LLC reported the following: Zone Change: Silva reported that the parcels of 2835 and 2829 Dole Street adjacent to K newai Community Park are currently zoned P2. He commented that the homes on the parcels were built in 1947, and the proposed zoning change to R5 is to keep the property consistent with its current use and the surrounding neighborhood. He added that in a natural disaster, the two (2) properties would struggle to get insurance with the current zoning. The proposal has been made to the DPP.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed: Matson asked and Silva responded that the elevation of the proposal is consistent with the pre-existing structures. Matson asked and Silva responded that there is no intention to make these homes into Monster Homes. He added that the purpose is to keep it consistent with the use and establish the residential value of the property.

Monsarrat Avenue Repaving/Restriping: Bicycle Coordinator Chris Sayers of DTS gave a presentation and reported the following: Restriping: Sayers reported that the DFM is currently resurfacing Monsarrat Avenue between Paki Avenue to Trousseau Street. During resurfacing projects, DTS has an opportunity to reassess the lanes of traffic to make the lanes more effective for multimodal transportation. Currently, the bike lanes in these sections is shared with the regular traffic except for the section in front of Waikiki Elementary School. The section between Paki Avenue and Leahi Avenue is fairly narrow, so sharrows (symbols to indicate that a traffic lane is to be shared with bicycles) will remain. A bike lane can be installed on Monsarrat Avenue between Leahi Avenue and Kanaina Avenue by adjusting the lanes. The current lanes are considered wide at 11 feet. From Kanaina Avenue to Trousseau Street, they are shifting the center lane over two (2) feet to create extra space for a climbing bicycle lane in the uphill direction. The project will create more space in the uphill direction and tighten up the lanes visually. He commented that when the lanes are smaller, drivers will move slower and more cautiously. The downhill sharrows will remain.

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Parking Changes: Welch asked and Sayer responded that the eight (8) feet gap between the sidewalk and the proposed bike lane along Monsarrat between Kanaina and Leahi is for parking. Welch expressed his concerns with a portion of the five (5) way intersection of Monserrat Avenue, Kanaina Street, and Diamond Head Circle. He reiterated concerns that the pedestrian crossing from the Ewa/Mauka corner of Monserrat Avenue and Kanaina Street is dangerous due to the nearby parked cars blocking visibility, and requested that the allowed parking be moved back to create more visibility of/for pedestrians. Sayer responded that while no parking changes were originally planned, he will take the request back to the traffic engineer for consultation. He added that the tightening of the travel lane widths will decrease the speeding of drivers, and increase safety at the intersection. Welch requested that accidents at the intersection be included in the evaluation.
2. Speed Limit Change: In response to St. Denis's request, Sayer will investigate if a reduction of the speed limit from 25 mph to 20 mph is advised.
3. Diamond Head Road: Bhatt expressed his concerns that the Mauka/Ewa side of Diamond Head Road lacks a bike lane and Sayer responded that many sections of Diamond Head Road are not wide enough to facilitate a bike path on both sides. He added that in these situations, it is safer to install a bike lane for the uphill lane (Diamond Head/Makai), as those travelling uphill will likely be travelling significantly slower than the speed limit compared to those travelling downhill.
4. Kanaina/ Monsarrat: Matson expressed concerns that a bikelane would exacerbate the traffic issues around the shopping center between Kanaina and Leahi. Matson asked and Sayer responded that there is already a bike lane on the Diamond Head side of the street, and the additional lane will not take away any lanes of traffic. Matson suggested there be a traffic management investigation to assess the impact of a second bike lane on the Ewa side of Monsarrat Avenue between Leahi and Kanaina.
5. Parking Changes (continued): St. Denis asked and Sayer responded that they do not currently plan to take away any parking.
6. Hazard for Parked Cars: Wong expressed concerns that a bike lane would create a hazard for parked drivers across from Unity Church, who would need to watch both sides of their car before opening the doors to their vehicles. Sayer responded that a driver will need to look for bicyclists, but added there would actually be two (2) extra feet for the parked cars. Wong expressed concerns that introducing a bike lane to a dense area will create a negative impact.
7. Kanaina/ Monsarrat: Welch expressed concerns with the safety of this intersection, and recommended the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Kanaina and Monsarrat. Resident Tanaka expressed her concerns that the traffic congestion in the area, especially due to trolleys, would be made worse by the tightening of the lanes. Sayer responded that the condensing of the lane width will not affect the congestion of traffic. Resident Tanaka expressed concerns and Sayer responded that bike lanes effectively take bikes off of the sidewalks, as has been observed in other areas of Honolulu with bike lanes. Wong commented that the bike lanes will attract bicyclists that are unfamiliar with the community and traffic laws, which could create more problems.
PUBLIC EVENTS AND NOTICES: Chair West referred the community to the agenda for listings of public events and notices, which were as follows:
• Friday, September 14, 2018. Hawaii Five O Season Premiere
• Saturday, September 29, 2018. Aloha Festivals Floral Parade
• Sunday, September 30, 2018. Honolulu Century Bike Ride
??? Sunday, October 14, 2018 Susan G. Komen Hawaii Race for The Cure Walk/Run

McCully - Mo'ili'ili Neighborhood Board No. 8 Meeting: Matson reported that she attended the McCully - Mo'ili'ili Neighborhood Board No. 8 meeting on Thursday, September 6, 2018, where a presentation was given on Top Golf. She reported that residents raised concerns with the lighting, noise, fence, and the guidelines of the Diamond Head Special District. Matson requested an update on the status of the community forum on Top Golf and Chair West responded that he will reconnect with the Chairs of the neighboring boards to assess the interest. He added that concerns were expressed regarding the logistics of a joint forum of the three (3) boards.

Kuliouou Neighborhood Board No. 2 Meeting: Wong reported that she attended the Kuliouou Neighborhood Board No. 2 Meeting on Thursday, September 6, 2018.



Planning and Zoning: Planning and Zoning Committee Chair Matson reported the following: Membership: Matson reported that she has been determining the membership of the committee. No meeting has been held. Matson expressed the committee's interest in Top Golf issue as well as the Primary Urban Center Development Plan.

Parks and Recreation: Parks and Recreation Committee Chair St. Denis reported that Kapiolani Park fared well in Tropical Storm Lane. The small park by Paki Hale was utilized for filming. She reported that Crane Park is closed for the time being.

Committee Assignments: Chair West reported that Chairs are needed for the Legislative and Transportation Committee.

Chair West appointed Welch as Chair of the Transportation Committee.

Hearing no objections, Chair West added "Response to Parliamentarian Comments" to the Agenda under BOARD BUSINESS.

Vice Chair Narita and Bhatt left at 8:50 p.m. with 11 members present

Response to Parliamentarian Comments: Matson responded to comments made by Vice Chair Narita during the Diamond Head/ Kapahulu/ St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 Meeting on Thursday, August 9, 2018 as parliamentarian. Matson expressed her concerns with comments made by the parliamentarian related to a Board resolution utilizing the language of "cease and desist" as well as comments claiming a conflict of interests of Board members. She expressed her concerns with vague accusations of conflicts of interests, as it did not appear that any members of the Board had these conflicts. She cited the Neighborhood Plan definition of conflicts of interest: (1) soliciting or accepting any gift directly or indirectly; (2) disclosing confidential information gained by reason of the member's office or position; and (3) engaging in any business transaction or activity or financial interest direct or indirect that is incompatible with the proper discharge of the member's duties. She expressed her understanding of the disclosure, but added that these transgressions are serious. Regarding the resolution language of "cease and desist", Matson commented that the "cease and desist" language is still a request to end a specific activity based on community input and that no agency, trustee, or court, had permitted the referenced activity.

Approval of Thursday, July 12, 2018, Regular Meeting Minutes

Matson moved and Persons seconded to adopt the Thursday, July 12, 2018, Regular Meeting as AMENDED. The minutes WERE ADOPTED by HAND VOTE; 9-0-2 (AYE: Allen, Figliuzzi, Kamahele, Matson, Persons, St. Denis, Wanager, Welch, West. NAY: None. ABSTAIN: Miller, Wong). For amendments, please see Page 11.

Thursday, May 10, 2018 meeting minutes corrections

Matson moved and Persons seconded to adopt the Thursday, May 10, 2018, Regular Meeting as AMENDED. The minutes WERE ADOPTED by HAND VOTE; 8-0-3 (AYE: Allen, Figliuzzi, Kamahele, Matson, Persons, St. Denis, Wanager, Welch, West. NAY: None. ABSTAIN: Miller, Wong). For amendments, please see Pages 11 through 14.

Approval of Thursday, August 9, 2018 meeting minutes

Welch moved and Persons seconded to adopt the Thursday, July 12, 2018, Regular Meeting Minutes as AMENDED. The minutes WERE ADOPTED by HAND VOTE; 9-0-2 (AYE: Allen, Figliuzzi, Kamahele, Matson, Persons, St. Denis, Wanager, Welch, West. NAY: None. ABSTAIN: Miller, Wong) For amendments, please see Page 14


Treasurer's Report: Wanager reported a total expenditure of $41.92 with a remaining balance of $552.08, as the August 2018 expenditure was not available.

Subdistrict 1 (St. Louis Heights): Allen announced a community meeting regarding the homeless at Wa'ahia State Park on Monday, September 17, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. at Hokalani School.

Subdistrict 2 (Kapahulu): Kamahele expressed appreciation to the Board for their patience with his absences towards the end of meetings, as he had to prioritize late evenings during an on-going family emergency. Kamehele expressed his concerns with accidents occurring at the intersection of Castle and Campbell Avenue. He suspected that the tour vans parking at the corners blocking visibility may be contributing to the accidents. He expressed his disappointment with the closure of Crane Park. Matson requested that the concerns with the intersection of Castle and Campbell, as well as the tour vans illegally parking near the intersection, be reported to the HPD.

Subdistrict 3 (Diamond Head): St. Denis reported that the District fared well compared to others during Tropical Storm Lane.

Chair Report: Chair West reported a letter received from Livable Hawaii Kaikui to DLNR regarding the Kahala Hotel Beach Usage. Copies were distributed to the Board members. Chair West asked and a resident reported that there have been concerns with conflicts between fishermen and other individuals bringing animals to the beach. Legislation is being considered for introduction to extend the marine protection area to the lighthouse at Diamond Head. Resident Nate Arakwa reported that he would be representing the opposition to the Constitutional Amendment at the next Board meeting. Matson requested a presentation from those supporting the measure as well to balance the discussion. Chair West agreed with the request.

Next Regular Board Meeting: The next regular Board meeting will be at Ala Wai Club House on Thursday, October 11, 2018.

ADJOURNMENT: As there was no further business before the Board, Chair West adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m.

Submitted by: Thomas Baldwin, Neighborhood Assistant Reviewed by: Richard Figliuzzi, Secretary
Finalized by: George West, Chair



Page 3 - Bike Share

Legal Details - Resident Armentrout reported on actions related to Bikeshare and Kapiolani Park Trust. Resident Armentrout reported that Judge Mark Browning rejected an order submitted by the City and County of Honolulu's Corporation Counsel related to Bikeshare and Kapiolani Park, and signed an order stating that the Attorney General's office had raised many important matters necessary for the Trustees to consider regarding Kapiolani Park.
Resident Armentrout added that Lieutenant Governor Doug Chin provided her with related documents. Citing the documents, Resident Armentrout reported that Hugh Jones, the head of the State Attorney General's division handling oversight of charitable trusts like Kapiolani Park, reported the following understandings in a May11, 2018 letter to the Corporation Counsel:
• Since the June 2017 Trustees meeting no action had been taken by Trustees to approve Bikeshare "Biki??? installations in Kapiolani Park, and the City has not gone forward with installing "Biki" stations at the park.
• Recently presentations about possible "Biki" station installations in the Park have been made to the Diamond Head Neighborhood Board with maps being used to identify potential "Biki" station installations.
??? The City and Bikeshare have a contract that give them the exclusive right to install Bikeshare "Biki" stations on City property and Bikeshare Hawaii has contracted with for profit PBSCUrban Solutions and Secure Bikeshare to operate the program, and these businesses jointly form a for-profit company to maintain the "Biki" stops and bicycles.

Resident Armentrout continued that the Attorney General's office requested that the Trustees provide a legal analysis of this use of Trust land as related to the 1991 Court Order regarding permissible and impermissible uses of the Park, and requested that the Trustees keep the Attorney General informed of the status of this issue, any meeting scheduled for its consideration, and any related materials presented to the Trustees.
Resident Armentrout commented in conclusion that the Attorney General's office has therefore stated that any approval of the Kapiolani Park Trustees for Bikeshare stations and plans for installations on Kapiolani Park lands are on hold.


Page 2

Governor's Representative
6. Diamond Head Crater Site Visit: Matson discussed a recent Diamond Head Crater site visit to conduct evaluations for the Monument Plan and get a sense of what would be best for security and the surrounding uses. She commented that a large facility, Battery Harlow, will soon be available that could accommodate expanded operations opportunities. Major General Logan responded that they will look into this. will talk online.
7. Topgolf: Resident Franklin Chung commented that there has been discussion from the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) regarding Topgolf lease and concession revenue being put back into the golf course possibly through Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) such as water hazard mitigation as a wetland golf course, and asked for further information. . . .
Page 3

Board of Water Supply
Questions, comments, and concerns:
• Satellite Waste Water Treatment Plant: Resident Chung requested an update on the proposed Satellite Waste Water Treatment Plant behind the fourth green at the Ala Wai Golf Course. Ann Wong responded that she would gather information on the BWS project from the consultant, Kennedy/Jenks.
Water Rates Presentation:
• Main Breaks: He commented that the BWS plans to increase the rate of pipeline replacement to 21 miles of pipeline a year to reduce the number of main breaks to sufficient manageable levels.
• Tiered Structure: Customers with larger meters will pay a large higher rate proportionate to their bill meter volume size.

Page 4

Aircraft Noise Resolution
Issues of Jurisdiction: Matson commented that. . . the FAA has sole jurisdiction on the flight paths and heights controlled from the airport flight control tower. . . She had emailed the links for the FAA and their Flight Standards District Office in charge of the flight rules and enforcement, and noted with ten (10) years of experience the community was effective in meetings with the FAA and the State Department of Transportation (HDOT) at the FAA's airport office and working collaboratively to reroute the flights off-shore; however the aircraft noise problems are again recurring. . .
Mayor's Representative

3. Ala Wai Golf Course Entrance: . . . Resident Lindsey asked when the eyesore fence would be removed, noting the negative aesthetic impact on the community and visitors, and that the homeless are unimpeded by the weed-infested fence. Matson expressed concerns that the community may opt for a cumulative development to take the place of the fencing. (EMAIL) Department of Enterprise Services (DES) appears to be implementing permanent barriers and obstacles to normal Ala Wai Golf Course use to justify their proposed cumulative redevelopment at that location, including a triple-tiered entertainment center with 170-foot high fencing, and a stadium or "mini-arena," as expressed at the City Council meeting.

Page 5

Board Discussion/Action

Ala Wai Golf Course Update - Driving Range Request for Proposal and Proposed Beach Volleyball Complex: Chair West noted a proposed Resolution distributed to the Board and requested Boardmember Matson to provide an update on the issue. Matson referred to the online links sent to all Board members illustrating the proposed Topgolf entertainment center project. She explained that the Ala Wai Golf Course redevelopment proposed by the City's Department of Enterprise Services for the driving range and an adjacent Beach Volleyball Complex with indoor and outdoor courts and arena that was formerly proposed for Kaka'ako Makai and denied by the Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA), while separate projects, constitute a cumulative redevelopment of the Ala Wai Golf Course lands and purpose. She added that the Ala Wai Golf Course is known as one (1) of the most popular golf courses in the world and a mainstay for local seniors, and any land use change would be required to go before the State Department of Natural Resources (DLNR) and would also be subject to the protective Diamond Head Special District ordinance requirements.

Discussion followed:
• Boardmember Wong commented that she was in full support of the Resolution. She expressed concerns about a) the district's City Councilmembers not consulting with the Board on their proposed volleyball complex, and b) the Department of Enterprise Services long-withheld information requested by the Board on the Topgolf request for proposal. She additionally noted the proposed project's excessive fence height.
• Boardmember Welch encouraged additional discussion prior to voting on the Resolution.
• Chair West asked if the Board was prepared to discuss and take action on the Resolution.
• The consensus of the Board was that more time was needed for Board members to review the information provided.
Chair West deferred action on the Resolution and stated it would be listed on the June agenda.

Proposed Expansion of Biki Stations - No Biki representative was present. Chair West asked for Board comments. Discussion followed: Matson noted that the Board has thoroughly discussed the issue throughout several previous meetings, and commented that the Kapiolani Park Trust provisions are in conflict with the proposed 10 bike stations at the park. long lines of ten (10) Biki quasi-commercial Biki docking stations lining the Park's historic roads with bright blue blight would be in conflict with Kapiolani Park Trust provisions. She added that the Division of State Parks administrators have also expressed their opposition to the Biki docking stations proposed at Diamond Head State Monument, and noted that KCC had agreed to have only one (1) Biki docking station in their parking lot area, with none allowed fronting KCC on Diamond Head Road. She expressed concern about the aggressive and arbitrary decisions by Bikeshare to consume these protected areas.

Matson moved and Welch(?) St. Denis/Wong seconded that the Diamond Head/Kapahulu/St. Louis Heights Neighborhood Board No. 5 oppose the proposed expansion of any bicycle docking stations stations within and around Kapiolani Park Trust Lands and within and around the Diamond Head State Monument.

Cromwell's Beach at Diamond Head - Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) Decision:
. . . Matson moved and St. Denis seconded that the Diamond Head/ Kapahulu/ St. Louis Heights formally commend the BLNR for their diligence in protecting this historic resource and considering better alternatives in their decision to deny the dismantling of the historic breakwater wall at Cromwell's Beach. . . Chair West asked Matson to draft the letter for distribution.

Councilmember Anne Kobayashi:
??? Monster Homes: Councilmember Kobayashi discussed the impacts of monster homes in the community being built without permits and stop-work orders issued against them. She commented on City Council Bill 33, which proposes to authorize the Department of Planning and Permitting (DPP) to tear down houses that do not have the needed building permits and necessary city inspections. . .
Page 6
• Beach Volleyball Complex at Ala Wai Golf Course: Councilmember Kobayashi discussed Resolution 18-67, relating to a "World Class Beach/Sand Volleyball Facility" with indoor and outdoor volleyball courts at Ala Wai Golf Course. She commented that her City Council resolution is intended to allow the administration to go to community groups and neighborhood boards for feedback. She added that beach volleyball is popular at Ala Moana Park and the Ala Wai Golf Course frontage is in bad shape. . .

Questions, comments, and concerns followed:
1. Ala Wai Golf Course Beach Volleyball Complex and Topgolf Entertainment Center Proposals:
• St. Denis asked and Councilmember Kobayashi responded that the purpose of Resolution 18-67 is to expand sand volleyball, and the indoor and outdoor sand volleyball courts provided by the City would be open to all members of the public.
• Welch noted the Board's unanimous vote at the April meeting to request that the City Council hold Resolution 18-67 because of concerns about the lack of transparency with the Resolution, as well as with Topgolf. He commented on the broader discussions regarding the lack of information provided to the public and the City's possible intentional neglect and blighting of the golf course entrance to promote unrelated development. Welch expressed his concerns about the City rushing ahead with plans to develop, commercialize and privatize this public green open space and heavily impact the community before the required opportunity for public input, including environmental assessments, commenting that privatization of public lands must be scrutinized carefully because there is a reason for this open space.
• Councilmember Kobayashi responded that Topgolf and the Beach Volleyball Complex are two (2) very different developments, the former being private commercial use and the latter being public use. She explained that the Department of Enterprise Services (DES) Request for Proposals (RFP) has already been awarded to Topgolf by the department, while the Volleyball Complex Resolution simply asks the City administration to look into the idea and promote a public discussion. Councilmember Kobayashi added that she was informed that the Top Golf development will add a lot of landscaping and tailor the appearance of the development to the area . . .
2. Topgolf Impacts:
• Matson inquired how Topgolf's landscaping could camouflage the development's required 170-ft. high perimeter fencing, and expressed concern about the potential negative impacts of the masses of people flooding into the area, thus precluding the reason this open space was set aside for traditional golf course users, including the senior golfing community. Councilmember Kobayashi responded that they are awaiting a presentation by the developer. Matson replied that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should be required. She added that both the proposed Beach Volleyball Complex and Topgolf developments will doubly impact the area with the loss of open space.
• Resident Barbara Armentrout expressed her concerns about Topgolf's 170-foot high perimeter fencing in proximity to the Zoo and a negative impact on the Zoo animals by the height and intensity of its lighting. . .

3. Development History: Resident Chung Écommented that the lease revenue from the Topgolf development could give the City capital improvement (CIP) funds for golf course flood mitigation and wet-land improvements to tie in with Ala Wai Watershed management and ensure the survival of the golf course for many decades, but alternatively such a development could also serve as a Trojan Horse precedent to encourage developers to seek Waikiki zoning expansion across the Ala Wai Canal together with the proposed new bridges, and erode the physical and visual barriers between Waikiki and the protected neighboring communities. In conclusion, Resident Chung urged Councilmember Kobayashi to hold Topgolf accountable for improvements to the golf course for flood mitigation and watershed management, or otherwise Waikiki will expand across Ala Wai Canal within a few years. Councilmember Kobayashi responded that the City Council is looking forward to hearings on this now that Topgolf has been selected.
4. Waikiki-Diamond Head Community Relations: Resident Bob Finley, Chair of the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 and speaking as a private citizen, commented that the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9 tends to support the positions of their neighboring communities regarding their own development issues. He added that the Waikiki community does not wish to expand into neighboring areas and encouraged Chair West to coordinate with the Waikiki Neighborhood Board No. 9. . .
5. 5. Community Input/ Beach Volleyball Complex: . . . Wong commented that the consensus among the Board and surrounding area is in opposition to a volleyball complex at the golf course . . .


Page 5 - ÔOlelo Neighborhood Board Meeting Broadcasts

5. Support (continued) - Matson commented that the raw video will allow ÔOlelo's Neighborhood Board meeting videos provide the most accurate and comprehensive presentation of the issues before the Board, and this is recognized by the vast majority of the Neighborhood BoardsÉ.

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